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The Lilith Temple Society

has been in existence since Spring of 1999. We grew out of a need for some common ground within the Pagan-oriented community in the Fraser Valley, and so our Founder Elayna Morgane (may she rest in peace) formed and registered the Temple under the BC Societies Act as a religious organisation.
Membership in the Temple is free for this lifetime, or until a person chooses to resign. The only requirements for membership are that the person be willing to uphold the Code of Conduct of the Temple and be of legal age (or have the written blessing of their legal guardian). There are no dues or monetary requirements for membership or attendance at Temple-sponsored events.

We have a Board of Directors that is elected by the Temple Members each year and a Clergy-body consisting of (currently) six people, each of whom is well-grounded in their own Pagan Path.

The Temple does not subscribe to any single Pagan Path, we are an Eclectic group of Solitary Practitioners. We recognise the validity of the individual need for Spirit and do not deny anyone their right to reach out to Divinity in their own unique way.

Since our beginning, we have held gatherings for local Pagans to get together in company to salute the Seasons and to meet with like-minded people, sharing information, companionship and support. We hold private Sabbat gatherings for many of the annual Seasonal festivals, which are open to Temple members and their invited guests.

The Clergy offer Spiritual service to the Temple Membership by celebrating Ritual at Sabbat or Seasonal observances, providing Spiritual counsel to any members in need, by performing Handfastings, Namings, Sendings (Requiems), House Blessings or other ritual or spiritual services required.

The Temple is the Membership, We have no physical holdings and so all Ritual observances are met in Members homes or rented facilities, with each Sabbat moving to a new location as we follow the Wheel of the Year. No-one in the Temple receives any payment or donation for their time or efforts, We function entirely on volunteer-power and donations offered for the sole purpose of supporting the deeds of the Temple.

We can be found at Legal Grounds Coffee House (in the fireplace alcove) in downtown Abbotsford every Sunday between the hours of 1 and 3 PM where we host our Pagan Coffee Moot. Discussions are open format and can range anywhere from different Pagan Paths to history, current affairs, magical practice or ritual observations. The only requirement to attend is mutual respect. Feel free to join us any time!


Membership in the Temple is free for this lifetime, or until a person chooses to resign. Our members come from all walks of life and a wide variety of Pagan Paths, the only requirements for membership are that the person be of legal age (or have the written blessing of their legal guardian) and be willing and able to uphold the Code of Conduct of the Temple. There are no dues or monetary requirements for membership or attendance at Temple-sponsored events. We highly recommend you get to know us before applying, we're a comunity first and foremost.

Code of Conduct

Insofar as Paganism is of the most ancient creed of mankind, it behooves all who are members of the Lilith Temple Society to act in ways that give respect to all the Gods and Goddesses, to our peers, and to ourselves. Therefore, be it known that:

1. Chivalry is a high code which is of most ancient Pagan origin, and must be lived by all of us who follow the Old Ways, for even when the mountains have crumbled to dust, Courage, Honour and Truth must endure.

2. The laws of the land should be obeyed whenever possible and within reason, for in the main they have been chosen with wisdom.

3. A Lilith Temple member strives to be above reproach in the eyes of our peers, and in the eyes of the mundane world.

4. We must exercise discipline in all we think, say, or do; the responsibility is ours alone for the consequences of our thoughts, words, and actions.

5. With the powers of a Pagan, we have the greatest responsibility to use them with wisdom, compassion, and discretion.

6. We pledge our friendship and loyalty to those who deserve them. Strengthening others always strengthens ourselves.

7. Dignity, honesty, good humour and a gracious manner are attributes we should strive to attain.

8. We recognise that all people are entitled to worship in their own way ~ they are neither better, nor worse, only different.

9. When visiting another Coven, Clan, Grove, or other Spiritual Gathering, we will strive to quietly discern and respect their traditions for the duration of our stay.

10. To reveal the secrets of another is to steal from them. What is theirs to share is not ours to give away.

11. We strive to have pride in ourselves and seek perfection in body, mind, and spirit.

12. Those who seek the Mysteries of Enlightenment should consider themselves as select of Divinity, for they may lead mankind to the highest of thrones, and beyond the very stars.

13. Striving for even higher standards within ourselves will enrich our lives and the integrity of the Temple.